Letter #45
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Monthly Letter #45; January, 2002 By: Teacher Clifton A. Emahiser

1012 N. Vine Street, Fostoria, Ohio 44830; Ph. (419)-435-2836


ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY




This is my forty-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my fourth year of publication. As I’m preparing this lesson, there are some topics I would like to bring to your attention:


(1) First of all, for those of you who are helping in the support of this ministry, I would like to give you an idea what that assistance is being used for. In my last mailing for December, 2001, when I sent out two Watchman’s Teaching Letters plus nine brochures weighing three ounces total each, the postage alone came to about $318.00. Toner for the copy machine came to $182.84; paper, $64.20; envelopes, $4.20; making a total of about $569.24 in all. Inasmuch as a good portion of my readers are prisoners, you are, in effect helping to “give meat”, “give drink” “clothe”, “visit the sick and in prison” the very Savior Himself, Matthew 25:35-40.


(2) I got an interesting letter from a supporter telling me he had purchased a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance with the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, and informing me he had looked up the Hebrew word #398, akal, and that it didn’t indicate anything sexual about Eve’s seduction by Satan where she said, Genesis 3:13: “The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.” I promptly made him a copy of what the Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament had to say for the word #398, akal. Of the four main meanings, #3 says this: to enjoy anything, as good fortune, Job. 21:25; the fruit of good or evil, sexual pleasures, Proverbs 30:20 (compare 9:17 ... 5:20).” I would highly recommend that every anti- seedliner who scoffs at Eve’s sexual encounter with the serpent invest in a Gesenius’ Lexicon as all of them who use just Strong’s use the argument that akal can only mean to “eat.” Notice how Gesenius’ uses the phrase “the fruit of good or evil.” Does that remind you of a certain tree?


(3) I have now written 15 Special Notices To All Who Deny Two Seedline of which I have distributed only 10 to date. Through this, I have come to the realization that the subject of the two “seeds” of Genesis 3:15 is even more serious than I formerly adjudged. Let me explain it this way: There are certain basic tenets to our “Christian” faith. These beliefs are as follows: We believe that YHWH created all things, visible and invisible; that He became flesh and dwelt among us; that He was of one substance being both man and YHWH; that He suffered and died at the hands of unrighteous men; that He rose again (Matthew 12:40; 27:63; Mark 8:31); that He ascended into Heaven; that from thence He will return to judge both the living and the dead. Every one of these tenets are essential and indispensable. Anyone who denies that YHWH came in the flesh is an “antichrist”, 1 John 4:3. To deny there were two “seeds” of Genesis 3:15 is equally as wicked, for if there was no “seed” of the serpent to bruise the heel of Messiah (betrayal and Crucifixion), we have no redemption. If He was not bruised for our iniquities, we have nothing to look forward to except the grave. It is blasphemous, therefore, to even infer He was not bruised. It’s every bit as sacrilegious to imply that He was not bruised, as it is to say that the Word was not made flesh, yet that is what the ant-seedliners insist on doing. In short, it’s an antichrist religion! Their shameful position is nearly identical to Gnosticism. If there’s no “seed” of the serpent, there was no bruising. If there was no bruising, there’s no Redemption. Thus, I will repeat again, the anti-seedliners (or whatever you wish to call them) are teaching, wittingly or unwittingly, an anti-Anointed One, anti-Christ, anti-Messiah doctrine by denying “Two Seedline.” Some advocate that we Two Seedliners declare a truce with the anti-seedliners for the good of the Anglo-Israel message. To that I respond: should we also make a truce with those who declare YHWH did not come in the flesh? I will deal with this in greater detail in future Special Notices.




As I promised in the last lesson, we are now going to consider original, true “Odinism” as opposed to the present corrupted, false “Odinism.” I should warn you again, there are a lot of half-truths and downright lies on the subject of “Odinism” on the Internet. Much of it is coming from Australia.


From the web site http://www.angelfire.com there was an article posted entitled Odinism vs Nazism, dated 10-28-01. I would state unequivocally that I am opposed to any form of “socialism”, including Nazism, but what this web site is promoting in the name of “Odinism” is absolutely not in line with true “Odinism.” It is quite apparent, from some of the remarks of the writer, that it is written with the object of being “politically correct” according to today’s standard for that term. I hardly believe the Vikings knew anything about political correctness. If anything, the Vikings would have to be considered very “politically incorrect.” Here are some excerpts from that article:


“I write this because the name ‘Odinism’ in [the] USA has been defiled due to the actions of some people who commit terrorism and racism and have become monitored by some hate group monitors ... The Nazi racial teachings center around racial purity and preservation (forgetting that all of us are supposed to belong to Human Race) and are against miscegenation or so-called inter-racial marriage or procreation ... She [Lady Griselda] states: ‘Mainstream Norse Pagans/ Asatruar believe racism is wrong, and point out arguments that the Gods and Goddesses want “purity” of race are off-base since the Gods and Goddesses themselves mated with other races. (The races most often referred to in Norse Lore are the Aesir and the Vanir, two races of Gods; the Jotuns, also known as Giants ... There is much mating between Aesir and Vanir, and there are several Aesir or Vanir and Jotun marriages). One point that is often brought up is that after Ragnarok, when the new Gods start again with the New Midgarth, several of these new Gods will be children of the God/Jotun unions - including Thor’s sons, Magni and Modi ... Lord Odin has also mated with Gods of ... other Tribes or Races if ye prefer ... Then, the nazi (sic) teachings against miscegenation and so-called ‘racial purity’ is completely incompatible, not only with our lore, but with Odinism ... What about Loki? Loki is a Pure Jotun (Giant of Ice) who was not only accepted by the Aesir, but he became The Blood-Brother of the Alfather, Valfather, Sieg Lord Odhinn. Also, Skaoi is still a Jotun, but she was accepted by the Aesir without any problems ... What does the Alfather teach by this? He teaches that a person’s acceptance must be judged by his or her own conduct of behavior and personal values ... Then, there are those who perpetuate racial activities such as the several hate crimes that occur on a daily basis, those who deny the genocidal horrors of the holocaust during World War II, those who destroy and deface places of worship and other property, commit murders and assaults based solely upon racial, ethnic and sexual orientation differences, those who demote woman to the status of breeding machines in order to sire a ‘pure white race’, those who advocate racial segregation and teach their children to hate those who are different in a bastardized and failed Nazi vision of Germanic religion. Such people DON’T DESERVE THE NAME ODDHINISM (sic)! ... Our [Viking] forbears were not racists or racialists. Race was not an issue to them, only culture. The norsemen (sic) practiced so-called inter-racial marriage. As it happened with the inuit (eskimo) people is a good example. Well, if it happens, would the new husband or wife and the ‘half-breed’ children be inuit or heathen? Answer: It depends upon how the new husband/wife and/or his/her children would act ... If they acted as in the norsemen values and culture, they would be accepted in the norse community. And the norsemen had many inter-racial marriages ... we and they must respect the freedom of others ... against asafolks or kindreds that do not adopt these characteristics, rather they accept people, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation ... evil or dishonorable folks can be found everywhere, irregardless of ethnic origin ... The Odinism is a religion of Balance. A true Odinist recognizes that every aspect of nature, ethnic and cultural is needed to make humankind richful as it is ... prosecution against people or ideas just because they are ethnically, culturally different or think in a different way, don’t deserve the name or label Odinist ...”


I hardly believe I need to explain where such garbage as this might be coming from! If it is not coming from a “Jew”, it surely is from someone who is brainwashed by the them. No thinking person could believe that the lifestyle of the Norse could be so portrayed. Yet, some of the uninformed swallow this refuse hook, line and sinker. Our people are being attacked by the enemy from every conceivable angle. As a matter of fact, the lifestyle of our people was just the opposite to this. To show you a true picture of the high moral fabric of our ancestors and what they were really like, I will now quote from St. Paul in Britain by R. W. Morgan, pages 42-43:


“... In the clan times, however, the preservation of the pedigree meant the preservation of all that was valuable in blood, station, and property. Without it a man was an outlaw; he had no clan, consequently no legal rights or status. Genealogies were guarded, therefore, with extreme jealousy, and recorded with painful exactitude by herald-bards of each clan. On the public reception, at the age of fifteen, of a child into the clan, his family genealogy was proclaimed, and all challengers of it commanded to come forward. Pedigree and inheritance, indeed, were so identified in the ancient British code, that an heir even in the ninth descent could redeem at a Jury valuation any portion of an hereditary estate from which necessity had compelled his forefathers to part ...”


From this, it is conspicuously evident these false Odinists don’t know what they are talking about! Not only that, but Scripture informs us we need to observe our genealogy back to at least the tenth generation, Deuteronomy 23:2. Once there has been a race-mixture established, every few generations there will be a throwback to that admixture. Once the DNA has been polluted, there is no recourse of correction to that racial contamination. It is the unforgivable sin. Therefore the utmost caution must be observed to avoid miscegenation. Checking the records back at least ten generations is substantial evidence there was always purity of race. You will notice, in the quotation above, the British required nine generations (or does it mean “to the tenth”?). If so, the British were going by the Law of Yahweh on racial matters. While some may have forgotten many things from their former past before their Captivity and their “seven times punishment” (Leviticus 26:18), they remembered well the importance of their racial purity.




Now that we have done some investigation of false Odinism, let’s consider some problematical Odinism. For this I will quote from a book entitled The Story Of Norway by Hjalmar H. Boyesen. This is an old book published in 1886. While some of what we are about to read may be true there are other elements we should question. Much of the Norse mythology here is based on Snorre Surlasson’s writings. Besides the Heimskringla, he also wrote the “Younger” or “Prose Edda.” I believe we will find greater truth in the “Elder Edda.” See if you can detect what some of these problems might be ahead of time, for we will cover them and compare them to “Elder Edda” in greater detail in lesson #46. Now quoting from this book, chapter 2 entitled “The Religion Of The Norsemen”, pages 13-24:


“The Icelander Snorre Sturlasson wrote in the thirteenth century a very remarkable book, called the Heimskringla, or the Sagas of the Kings of Norway. In this book he says that Odin, the highest god of the Norsemen, was the chief who first led the Germanic tribes into Europe. He was a great warrior and was always victorious. Therefore, when he was dead, the people made sacrifices to him and prayed to him for victory. They did not believe, however, that he was actually dead, but that he had returned to his old home in Asia, whence he still watched their fortunes and occasionally visited them in person. Many tales are told in the sagas of people who had seen Odin, particularly when a great battle was to be fought. He was represented as a tall, bearded man with one eye, and clad as a warrior. He had two brothers, Vile and Ve, and many sons and daughters who were worshipped like him and became gods and goddesses. Odin and his children were called Aesir, which Snorre says means Asia-men; and their home Asgard, or Asaheim, likewise indicates their Asiatic origin. During their migrations the Aesir came in contact with another people, called the Vanir, with whom, after an indecisive battle, they formed an alliance. The Vanir then made common cause with the Aesir and were worshipped like them.


“Whether there is any basis of truth in this tradition, is difficult to determine. We know that primitive nations usually make gods of their early kings and chieftains, and worship them after death. Every year that passes makes them look greater and more mysterious. In storms and earthquakes, in thunder and lightning, they hear their voices and see the manifestations of their power. More and more they become identified with the elements, which they are supposed to rule; the mighty attributes of the sun, the sky, and the sea are given to them, and to each is allotted his particular sphere of action. The chieftain who has been a valiant warrior in his life-time is supposed to give victory to those who call upon him. He who has excelled in the art of peace continues to rule over the seasons, and to give good crops and prosperity to those who, by sacrifices, secure his good will. This may have been the origin of the Scandinavian gods; although many scholars maintain that they were from the beginning personifications of the elements, and have never had an actual existence on earth.  But whether they were originally men or sub-myths, interesting legends have been told about them, which may be worth recounting.


“In the beginning of time there were two worlds, Muspelheim, the world of fire, whose king was Surtur, and Niflheim, the world of frost and darkness. In Niflheim was the spring Hvergelmer, where dwelt the terrible dragon Nidhögger. Between these two worlds was the yawning chasm Ginnungagap. The spring Hvergelmer sent forth twelve icy rivers, which were called the Elivagar. These gradually filled up the chasm Ginnungagap. As the wild waters rushed into the abyss, they froze and were again thawed by the sparks that were blown from the fiery Muspelheim. The frozen vapors fell as hoar-frost, and the heat imparted life to them. They took shape and fashioned themselves into the Yotun or giant Ymer, from whom descends the evil race of frost-giants. Simultaneously with Ymer the cow Audhumbla came into being. She licked the briny hoar-frost, and a mighty being appeared with the shape of a man. He was large and beautiful, and was named Bure.  His son was Bör, who married the daughter of a Yotun, and got three sons, Odin, Vile and Ve. These three brothers slew the Yotun Ymer, and in his blood all the race of Yotuns was drowned except one couple, from which a new race of giants descended. Then Odin and his brothers dragged the huge body of Ymer into the middle of Ginnungagap, and fashioned from it the world. Out of the flesh they made the earth, the bones became stones and lofty mountains, and his blood the sea. From his hair they made the trees, and from his skull the great vault of the sky. His brains they scattered in the air, where its fragments yet float about in queer, fantastic shapes, and are called clouds. The flying sparks from Muspelheim they gathered up and fashioned them into sun, moon, and stars, which they flung up against the blue vault of the sky. Then they arranged land and water so that the ocean flowed round about the entire earth, and beyond the watery waste they fixed the abode of the Yotuns. This cold and barren realm beyond the sea is therefore called Utgard, or Yotunheim. From the earth to the sky they suspended a bridge of many colors, which they named Bifrost or the rainbow. The Yotun woman Night married Delling (the Dawn) and became the mother of Day, who rode in his shining chariot across the sky, always followed by his dark mother. The latter drove a huge black horse named Hrimfaxe, from whose foamy bit dropped the dew that refreshed the grass during the hours of darkness, while Day’s horse, Skinfaxe, spread from his radiant mane the glorious light over the earth. It is further told that the heat bred in Ymer’s body a multitude of maggots, which assumed the shapes of tiny men and were called gnomes or dwarves. They live in caves and mountains, and know of all the treasures of gold and silver and precious stones in the secret chambers of the rocks. They also have great skill in the working of metals, but they cannot endure the light of the sun. Last of all man was created. One day when the three gods, Odin, Höner, and Lodur were walking on the shores of the sea they found two trees, and from these they made a man and a woman, named Ask and Embla (ash and elm). Odin gave them the breath of life, Höner, speech and reason, Lodur, blood and fair complexions.


“The old Norsemen conceived of the world as an enormous ash tree, named Ygdrasil, the three roots of which extend, one to the gods in Asgard, another to Yotunheim, the third to Niflheim. On the third gnaws continually the dragon Nidhögger. In the top of the tree sits an eagle; among the branches four stags are running; and up and down on the trunk frisks a squirrel who carries slander and endeavors to make mischief between the eagle and the dragon. Under the root, which stretches to Yotunheim, is the fountain of the wise Yotun Mimer, to whom Odin gave one of his eyes in return for a draught from his fountain. For whoever drank from its water became instantly wise. Under the second root of the ash, which draws its nourishment from heaven, is the sacred fountain of Urd, whither the gods ride daily over the bridge Bifrost. Here they meet the three Norns – Urd, Verdande, and Skuld (Past, Present and Future), the august goddesses of Fate, whose decrees not even the gods are able to change. The Norns pour the water of the fountain over Ygdrasil’s root, and thereby keep the world-tree alive. They govern the fates of gods and men, giving life or death to whomever they please.


“Odin dwells with all the other gods in Asgard, where he receives in his shining hall Valhalla all those who have died by the sword. He is therefore called Valfather [all father], and those fallen warriors whom he chooses to be his guest, are known as cinheriar, i.e., great champions. Valhalla is splendidly decorated with burnished weapons. The ceiling is made of spears, the roof is covered with shining shields, and the walls are adorned with armor and coats of mail. Hence the champions issue forth every day and fight great battles, killing and maiming each other. But every night they wake up whole and unscathed and return to Odin’s hall, where they spend the night in merry carousing. The maidens of Odin — the Valkyries, who, before every battle, select those who are to be slain, wait upon the warriors, fill their great horns with mead, and give them the flesh of swine to eat.


“The great gathering-place of the gods in Asgard is the plains of Ida. Here is Odin’s throne, where he sits looking out over the whole world. At his side sit the two wolves – Gere and Freke, and on his shoulders the ravens, Hugin and Munin, who daily fly forth and bear him tidings from the remotest regions of the earth. If he wishes to travel, he mounts his eight-footed horse Sleipner, which carries him far and wide with wonderful speed. When the father of gods and men rides to battle he wears a helmet of gold and a suit of mail, which shines dazzlingly from afar. He carries also his spear Gungner, which he sends forth whenever he wishes to arouse men to warfare and strife. But, besides being the god of war, Odin also delights in poetry and sage counsel. He is the god of the scalds or poets, for he had drunk of Suttung’s mead, which imparted the gift of song. He is well skilled in sorcery, and has taught men the art of writing runes.


“Thor, the son of Odin, lives in Thrudvang. He is the strongest of all the gods, and has an enormous hammer, Mjolner, with which he carries on a ceaseless warfare against the Yotuns, or mist-giants. He rides in a cart drawn by two rams across the Gjallar bridge (the resounding bridge), which leads to Yotunheim, and the rattling of the cart and the noise of his hammer, as he hurls it at the heads of the fleeing giants, make the vault of the sky tremble. This is what men call thunder. When Thor is hungry, he kills his rams and eats their flesh, but he is always careful to gather up the bones and to throw them back into the skins. Then, the next morning, the rams are as frisky as ever and ready for service. Thor has a wife named Sif, whose hair is of gold.


“Balder, the good and the beautiful, is also the son of Odin. He is wise and gentle, and kindness beams from his countenance. His wife is Nanna, and his dwelling Breidablik.


“Njord is ruler of the sea, and can raise storms and calm the waves at his pleasure. He is of the race of the Vanir, but is yet worshipped as a god. He is the owner of great wealth, and can give prosperity to those who obtain his favor. Njord was married to the Yotun woman, Skade, but was again separated from her. His abode is at Noatun, from which he has wide view of the sea.


“Frey, the son of Njord, rules over the seasons, and gives peace and good crops. Fields and pastures grow, and the cattle thrive in the sunshine of his favor. He lives with his wife Gerd in Alfheim. Tyr is the god of courage, whom men call upon, as they are about to go into battle. He has but one hand, having thrust the other into the mouth of the Fenris-wolf, who bit it off. Brage is the god of song, and of vows and pledges. He has a long beard, and is possessed of wisdom and eloquence. When men drained the horn in his honor, they made vows of daring deeds that they would perform, and called the god to witness that they would keep them. Many were those who, while drunk, pledged themselves to foolhardy undertakings, and perished in the attempt to carry them out. Brage’s wife is the ever-young Idun. She has in her keeping the wonderful apples, which the gods eat to preserve the beauty and vigor of an eternal youth.


“The watchman of the gods is named Heimdal. His senses are so keen that nothing can escape him. He can see hundreds of miles, and he can hear the grass grow. When he blows his Gjallar horn (the resounding horn), its rousing call is heard throughout the world. Heimdal’s dwelling is Himinbjarg at the Bifrost Bridge.


“Among gods of less consequence may be mentioned Uller, the stepson of Thor, who is a master in running on snow-shoes; Forsete, the son of Balder, who makes peace between those who have quarreled; Höder, the blind god, who shot Balder; and the silent Vidar.

“Foremost among the goddesses is Frigg, the wife of Odin, who dwells in Fensal. She shields from danger those who call upon her. Freya, the Northern Venus, is the goddess of beauty. She is the daughter of Njord, and was forsaken by her husband Odd, and is ever hoping for his return. She traveled far and wide in search of him, and wept because she could not find him. Her tears turned into gold, and gold is therefore by the poets called the tears of Freya. Her chariot, in which she drives over the sky, is drawn by cats, though at times she flies in the guise of a swan and visits distant lands.  Her necklace, Brising, made by wonder-working gnomes, is of dazzling splendor. The dwelling of Freya is Folkvang, and thither ascend the prayers of lovelorn swains and maidens.  Freya’s daughter, Hnos, is of marvelous beauty and a sweet disposition. Her name is still used in the nursery as a pet-name for babes.


“The domain of the sea does not belong entirely to Njord. The Yotun Aeger rules over the towering waves, and lashes them into fury, until Njord again curbs them and bids them be still. Yet Aeger is the friend of the gods, and is at times visited by them in his magnificent submarine hall, where ale and mead flow abundantly. He is himself peaceably disposed toward men, but is overruled by his terrible wife Ran, who with her nine daughters (the waves), causes shipwrecks and draws the drowned men down to her watery abode.


One dweller in Asgard is still to be mentioned, and that is the evil Loke [or Loki], who disturbs the peace of the gods, and will work their final ruin. He was born among the Yotuns, but gained the confidence of Odin by his agreeable presence and his fair speech. He delighted in mischief and loved evil-doing. He had three terrible children – the wolf Fenris, the world-serpent, and Hel. As these monsters grew up, the gods foresaw that their presence in Asgard would cause trouble. The wolf Fenris was, therefore, after having broken the strongest chains, tied with a magical cord, made of the noise of cats’-paws, women’s beard, roots of mountains, and other equally intangible things. This cord he could not break. The world-serpent was thrown into the ocean, where it continued to grow until it encircled all the earth and at last bit its own tail. Hel was banished to Helheim, where she became the ruler of the dead, and the goddess of the under-world.


Now let’s consider various things we have just read, some of which we will postpone and cover in our next lesson. Let’s start with where it speaks of Odin giving one of his eyes at the “fountain of the wise” (Yotun Miner) in exchange for a drink of wisdom. Does this mean that Odin actually, literally had one of his eyes removed in order to gain wisdom? Or does it mean that Odin became single minded in his purpose?  We are told this by our Redeemer in Matthew 6:22-23:


“22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


In Matthew 5:29 our Messiah also instructed us concerning our eye this way: “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into gehenna.”


Evidently the Almighty, according to Norse Mythology, was also known to them by the name of Odin, for in their version of Creation of man it speaks as follows: “Last of all man was created. One day when the three gods, Odin, Höner, and Lodur were walking on the shores of the sea they found two trees, and from these they made a man and a woman, named Ask and Embla (ash and elm).  Odin gave them the breath of life, Höner, speech and reason, Lodur, blood and fair complexions.” The important elements here are “blood” and “fair complexions.” Here it’s a royal bloodline and a people only with a White complexion. You can see from this that the Norse were very heedful of the importance of their race.


Also the Norse knew Two Seedline and who their perpetual enemy was as recorded at the end of chapter 2: One dweller in Asgard is still to be mentioned, and that is the evil Loke, who disturbs the peace of the gods, and will work their final ruin. He was born among the Yotuns, but gained the confidence of Odin by his agreeable presence and his fair speech. He delighted in mischief and loved evil-doing. He had three terrible children – the wolf Fenris, the world-serpent, and Hel. As these monsters grew up, the gods fore-saw that their presence in Asgard would cause trouble. The wolf Fenris was, therefore, after having broken the strongest chains, tied with a magical cord, made of the noise of cats’-paws, women’s beard, roots of mountains, and other equally intangible things. This cord he could not break. The world-serpent was thrown into the ocean, where it continued to grow until it encircled all the earth and at last bit its own tail ...”


In chapter 1, page 1, of this same book The Story Of Norway, we read the following: “Who Were The Norsemen? The Norsemen are a Germanic race and belong, accordingly, to the great Aryan family. Their next of kin are the Swedes and Danes. Their original home was Asia, and probably that part of Asia which the ancients called Bactria, near the sources of the rivers Oxus and Jaxartes. Not only the Norsemen are supposed to have come from this region, but the ancestors of all the Aryan nations which now inhabit the greater portion of the civilized world. Among the first to leave this cradle of nations were the tribes which settled upon the eastern islands and peninsulas of the Mediterranean, under the name of Hellenes, developed, long before the Christian era, an art and a literature which are, in some respects, yet unrivalled. The early Italic tribes, from which sprung in time the world-empire of Rome, trace their descent from the same ancestry; as do the Kelts, who in ancient times inhabited England, Ireland, and France ...”


Fortified with this information, we should now be better prepared to recognize original, true Odinism as opposed to current, corrupted, false Odinism. We will attempt to find much more plausible truth on this matter in the next lesson.